Barcodes were created to enable accurate, quick data entry and transfer. Barcodes exist on patient records, hospital bracelets, specimens, medications, so what happens when a barcode is rendered ineffective due to printing issues? Patient privacy, institutional security and-- let's not forget the most important factor, patient health may be compromised.
Don't be part of the 15%. Make sure your print management strategy securely supports your healthcare professionals without recommend best practices for printing in a healthcare environment. Our latest white-paper outlines the best practices that we believe will keep your organization secure, download it here.
No matter what medical field you work in, one universal truth exists: the care and well-being of your patients is your top priority. There is never room for error when printing barcodes or any other valuable medical information. With Tricerat's Simplify Printing® print management solution, your barcodes will print correctly the first time.