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October 18, 2024

How Print Security Can Make or Break Your Next Medical Audit

To pass medical audits and maintain HIPAA compliance, most IT leaders focus on securing EHR systems, networks, and cloud environments. But one critical vulnerability is often overlooked—print security. Network and MFD printers, integral to day-to-day operations, handle PHI regularly and, when unsecured, can lead to audit failures, HIPAA violations, or worse: ransomware attacks or data breaches.

Your team likely spends significant time ensuring EHR and network security, but do you have a strategy to secure every device interacting with sensitive patient data? 

In 2024, nearly 70% of healthcare breaches involved hacking network servers, often exploiting networked endpoints like printers. Auditors have begun to scrutinize these endpoints with as much rigor as core systems, and failing to secure them can be your biggest compliance gap.

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The Growing Role of Print Security in Healthcare Compliance:

It’s no longer just about network security. Auditors are increasingly focusing on the end-to-end protection of PHI, including how it flows through every device in your system. Even a single unsecured print job left in a tray or a non-encrypted data transmission between a device and printer can lead to HIPAA violations.

For example, in the Concentra Health breach, unsecured printers were part of the vulnerabilities that compromised 4 million patient records​. This isn't a unique case—data shows that unsecured print environments are regularly exploited in healthcare data breaches.

Why Your Print Infrastructure Might Fail Your Next Medical Audit

Medical audits are evolving, and what was once considered an afterthought—printer security—is now one of the main areas where healthcare organizations are flagged during audits. Auditors are increasingly asking questions like:

  • Who is printing PHI?
  • Are print jobs encrypted?
  • Does the EHR/EMR connection to a printer follow protocol?
  • Is secure print release in place to prevent unauthorized access?

If you can’t answer these questions confidently or provide detailed audit logs showing exactly who accessed and printed sensitive information, you risk failing the audit, regardless of how well your EHR systems are protected. To reassure you, you're not alone: 39% of IT leaders aren't confident about, and even more have struggled to prepare, when it comes to printer security. 

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Top Print Security Risks Healthcare Auditors are Flagging:

  • Unattended Print Jobs: Sensitive documents left sitting in printer trays are a goldmine for unauthorized access. Auditors will investigate how secure print release is managed to prevent PHI from being accessed by the wrong people. Failing to implement this security measure is a critical compliance failure​.
  • Unencrypted Patient Data: If print jobs aren’t encrypted, they’re vulnerable to being intercepted during transmission, exposing PHI to cyberattacks. Healthcare is already dealing with an 83% rise in ransomware attacks in 2024​. Unsecured print data is an easy target. Auditors will expect all print data to be encrypted, both in transit and at rest​.
  • Lack of Audit Trails: When your audit comes around, one of the first things auditors will request is a detailed print audit log. Without it, you have no way of proving who printed PHI, when it was printed, or how it was handled. Lack of visibility into your print environment could result in significant fines and HIPAA violations​.

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How to Proactively Secure Your Hybrid Devices for Medical Audits

1. Implement Secure Print Release

One of the simplest but most effective ways to protect PHI is through secure print release. This ensures print jobs are only released when the authorized user is physically present at the printer. This prevents unattended documents from sitting in trays, a common point of failure in medical record audits​ or result in  unauthorized access.

2. Encrypt All Print Data

Print data must be encrypted in transit and at rest. In 2024, over 15 million healthcare records were compromised due to unencrypted data​. Encryption protocols that follow latest security standards ensures that even if print data is intercepted, it remains unreadable and protects your patients, the organization, and frankly, your license or job in healthcare.

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3. Maintain Comprehensive Print Audit Trails

Having a detailed audit log for all print activity is non-negotiable during audits. Your logs need to show who printed what, when, and from which device. This level of transparency helps you prove compliance, should auditors request this data, as they often do. Plus, recent studies have been looking into EHR logs to study and develop preventative methods against  EHR burden and provider burnout — what's not to get behind? 

Secure Your Hospital's Print Trail for Your Next Medical Record Audit

Failing to address print security can have far-reaching consequences. In addition to HIPAA violations and steep fines, data breaches linked to unsecured print environments erode patient trust. And with business associates and third-party vendors responsible for 40% of healthcare breaches in 2024​, securing your print environment across the entire vendor chain is top priority—including hardware partners like Brother or  Zebra.

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Take the Next Step: Secure Your Print Infrastructure

At Tricerat, we know the challenges healthcare IT teams face in securing every endpoint. That’s why we offer Secure Print Solutions designed to help healthcare organizations protect their print infrastructure, reduce the risk of HIPAA violations, and pass medical audits with confidence.

Don’t wait until an audit exposes vulnerabilities in your print security. Visit Tricerat’s Secure Print Solutions today to ensure your print environment is audit-ready and compliant.

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