Tricerat is a member of The Digital Workspace Ecosystem Alliance, a non-profit consortium of technology leaders dedicated to providing vendor-neutral resources to help organizations develop their digital workspace strategies. A key part of providing the most useful tools to help individuals hone their strategies is identifying where organizations are in their digital workspace journeys today. To that end, the alliance is excited to launch its first bi-annual “State of the Digital Workspace” survey!
The alliance aims to secure a minimum of 1,000 respondents for this survey, resulting in a valuable dataset that will be shared in a free report in August. If you are one of the first 1,000 respondents, you will automatically be sent a copy of the report when it is completed and you will also be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift card or donation to a charity of your choice.
To participate in the survey (only takes 5-10 minutes), please click the link below and feel free to share far and wide.